Key Action 3: mainly consists of projects run by the European Commission’s Executive Agency, apart from Youth Structured Dialogue which is managed by the National Agency in the UK. The Call for Proposals and Erasmus+ Programme Guide have been published detailing all application information for the Erasmus+ programme.

Decentralised Activities

Youth Structured Dialogue projects will facilitate discussions between youth policy makers and young people on chosen themes. This project type is based on the current Action 5.1 of the Youth in Action programme ‘Meetings of young people and those responsible for youth policy’.

What’s possible?

• National youth meetings
• Transnational youth seminars.

Centralised Activities

The European Commission’s Executive Agency manages the following centralised activities under Key Action 3:
• Knowledge in the field of education, training and youth
• Prospective Initiatives
• Support to European policy tools
• Cooperation with international organisations
• Stakeholder dialogue, policy and programme promotion.

For more information, go to the European Commission’s Erasmus+ website.

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