Read the Erasmus experience of Panormita Moskiou, from the Department of Business Administration of the Technological Institute (T.E.I.) of Epirus, who went to Montpellier, France. 

“Ι present you with with joy my experience as an Erasmus student at the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier ΙΙΙ in France. Erasmus for me was a students’ mobility program in a dreamy country that would last six months.

I was hearing my friends telling me that they wanted to live abroad for a while. So without second thoughts i packed my bag, booked a ticket and left for my dream journey. When arrived in Montpellier Ι realised that Ι did not know the French language. So how could I communicate with all those people? As days passing by I decided to go to the University and meet people who could speak english so we could communicate at the minimum. Meanwhile I attended French language courses for Erasmus students beginners offered for free at the University.

That’s how all started. I found people with great patience trying to teach me French language, culture, their lifestyle and they succeded it. In two months I was able to understand most of what I was taught. At the University we studied in teamwork in modern libraries and French students attended classes regularly. Erasmus program offered me language tools and gave me, at the weekends, the comfort of travelling with my University friends in others cities, gazing museums and monuments.

I knew that in my return in Greece I would not be the same again. All the experiences I lived good or bad, the responsibility and the culture I gained, changed me. A unique experience that will stay engraved in my mind. A Life experience. So live the dream!!!!”  

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