17-4-2024 Announcement of the Call for Proposals for the award of six (6) scholarships from the “Theodoridion – Academic Instructors Bequest”

The State Scholarships Foundation hereby announces a Call for Applications for the award of six (6) scholarships for postgraduate studies abroad (Master’s level) in the science of Pedagogy funded from the income of the “Theodoridion – Academic Instructors Bequest” (academic year 2024-2025). The allocation and the duration of the scholarships are presented in the following table:

Level Specialization Positions Start of scholarship Scholarship duration
Postgraduate studies (Master’s level) Inclusive Education   Two (2) Start of academic year 2024-2025 24 consecutive months
Postgraduate studies (Master’s level) Educational Planning and Learning Organisations   Two (2) Start of academic year 2024-2025 24 consecutive months
Postgraduate studies (Master’s level) Special Education   Two (2) Start of academic year 2024-2025 24 consecutive months

Eligible to participate are upper second class honours (minimum) graduates of Higher Education Institutes of Greece meeting cumulatively the general conditions of the Call.
Deadline for the submission of applications: 12-6-2024.

The full text of the Call, the content to be examined and the application form are available here.
For further information, kindly visit diagwnismoi@iky.gr

The President of the Administrative Board of IKY
Michael Koutsilieris

Professor Emeritus of the School of Medicine – NKUA

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