IKY successfully participated on the Youth on the Move Event in Xanthi from 2 to 3 October 2015. “Youth on the Move” is a European Union initiative that aims to improve education and the prospects of finding new employment. The objective of the “Youth on the Move” is to provide young people with the real benefits from their participation in relevant programmes funded by the EU while the ultimate goal is to enhance the mobility of young people in Europe to study or work.
IKY successfully participated on the Youth on the Move Event in Xanthi from 2 to 3 October 2015. “Youth on the Move” is a European Union initiative that aims to improve education and the prospects of finding new employment. The objective of the “Youth on the Move” is to provide young people with the real benefits from their participation in relevant programmes funded by the EU while the ultimate goal is to enhance the mobility of young people in Europe to study or work.
The event took place at the central square of Xanthi. Various National Agencies and Organizations alongside with the European Commission presented their work. Along with the information given in the stands, IKY presented all the possibilities offered by the Erasmus+ for students, pupils, teachers and professionals!
The Organisations involved except State Scholarships Foundation were: the Delegation of the European Commission in Greece, the European Parliament Office in Greece, the EURES / Employment Agency (Manpower Employment Organisation), the National Certification Agency Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), the Ministry of Education – Operational Programme for Education and Lifelong Learning, the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare – European Social Fund, the Ministry of Interior with the program Europe for Citizens, the National Research Foundation with the Horizon 2020 program and Euraxess, Asset Technology/ Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Programme, the Europe Direct of Xanthi and the Municipality of Xanthi.
The Youth on the Move welcomed many activities during these 2 days: – Stands providing information on studying, learning, training and working in the EU, lead by responsible national agencies and organisations: Municipality of Xanthi, EC Representation and European Parlement, Erasmus +, Eurodesk, Euraxess, Europe Direct, ASSET Technology, E.O.P.P.E.P., OAED/ EURES, Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Welfare. – Presentations, testimonies and debates were held by representatives of the European institutions. – Various activities to entertain the audience.
Finally, on Saturday the 3rd of October, a Facebook QnA was implemented. IKY in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Asset Technology, chat on the new opportunities offered by Erasmus+ and other European and National Initiatives, at the Europeans Commission in Greece official Facebook page with many participants.