The European Languages Day was celebrated for the first time in 2001 and managed to unite millions of people from 45 countries through numerous activities for the linguistic multiformity in Europe and the advancement of language learning.
The European Language Day seeks to:
1. Alert the public on the importance of language learning and the multiformity of the variety of the languages they learn, so that multi language and an intercultural spirit are developed.
2. Advance the rich linguistic and cultural multiformity in Europe which must be maintained and encouraged
3. Encourage life-long learning of languages through the official school system and any other means, for studying purposes, as a professional tool, for any mobility, recreation and exchanges.
A number of activities are organized throughout Europe for and with children, T.V. and radio programs seminars within schools and conferences.
Throughout Europe, 800 millions Europeans are encouraged to learn more languages, irrespective to their age, through official schooling or not. The European Council has being convinced that linguistic multiformity is a tool in the creation of a greater intercultural understanding and a basic element in the rich culture of our continent, and thus it promotes multiple languages throughout Europe.