Inclusion support

  1. Inclusion support for organisations

Beneficiary organisations having included in the participants people with fewer opportunities are entitled to a lump sum amount of 100€ per participant with fewer opportunities in order to organise mobility activities for this category of participants. Therefore, extra funding granted to organisations for inclusion and diversity should be exclusively used to this end.

  1. Inclusion support for individuals

Moreover, people with fewer possibilities are eligible to additional grant support to facilitate their travel abroad under Erasmus+.

Grant support to people with fewer opportunities covers 100% of the additional costs arising during their travel (and the travel of their accompanying persons) abroad. Grant support is calculated based on real costs.

Under Key Action 1, the budget is submitted at the application stage and the amount is transferred to the beneficiary body in the form of pre-financing payment, in view of facilitating the travel of people with fewer opportunities declared in the application. At the stage of the submission of the Final Report of the mobility project, the necessary supporting documentation must be made available to ensure approval of the costs falling under this category.

Therefore, at grant application stage, non-accredited bodies (Key Action 1 – Short-term mobility projects) must foresee the number of people with fewer opportunities anticipated to be included in the mobility and request the relevant funding. At grant application stage, it is recommended to set as a target a percentage of people with fewer opportunities and request the relevant funding, if justified by the ratio of the population of students to the population of the beneficiaries of the body.

In the case of accredited bodies (Key Action 1), it is possible to submit a request for interim amendment in order to cover the costs for the participation of people with fewer opportunities not initially foreseen.

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