IKY is the first Organization of the Public Sector which is awarded for the second time with the distinction “Recognized for Excellence-3 stars”, according to the world-renowned EFQM Excellence Model (European Foundation of Quality Management).
In order to receive it, IKY has successfully completed an in-depth performance assessment, in line with EFQM’s stringent requirements.
The award was received by Mrs. M. Nikitakis -Director of Administration and Financial Management of IKY- on behalf of its President, on December 13, 2018, at the Conference Center “Kontogeorgis” of the Hellenic Management Association (EEDE).
It should be noted that, IKY has been a member of the EFQM Community since 2014 demonstrating that, despite the economic and social challenges of the era, the Foundation manages to envision, evolve, upgrade the quality of its services and plan a better future for our society.
Emphasizing the provision of a high level of quality in its services, State Scholarships Foundation/IKY was certified with the internationally recognized standard “ISO 9001: 2015”.
EFQM 2nd Level of Certification “Recognized for Excellence”
IKY accredited with the next EFQM level, one more top achievement.
State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) was founded in 1951 its purpose being to facilitate the advancement of exceptional quality human resources in the financial, social and cultural sectors. IKY, following the rapid development of our country, invests on our youth and on the empowerment of the research, scientific and cultural community.
IKY’s role is not confined in offering scholarships. IKY’s cooperation with social institutions and businesses, exchanging knowledge and experience, mark it as a factor of social coherence and progress. Due to the high standard services it offers, the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, decided to designate to IKY the responsibility of administration, co-ordination, implementation and dissemination of European Union Programmes for Education in Greece. These are programmes like SOCRATES, LLP and ERASMUS+, dealing with education, vocational training and life long learning. Within this framework IKY decided to reach for the accreditation of its administration and services.
In 2014 State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) designed and implemented an internal quality assurance system and since then it has received a number of excellence distinctions and certifications. Thus, IKY became a member of the European Framework for Quality Management (EFQM) with its initial level distinction “Committed to Excellence”. Furthermore, IKY received the internationally recognized standard ISO 9001 for the full spectrum of its activities. Also, it is, since 2015, the first accredited Service of the core Public Sector recognized at an ISO standard for its operations.
On the 23rd of November 2016 IKY was accredited with the Superior Level of the EFQM distinction “Recognised for Excellence”. IKY with continuous improvement and quality tools as its standard, despite the extremely unfavourable overall financial situation, it navigates adversity, improves, dreams and plans a better future for our society and the youth in particular.
State Scholarships Foundation/IKY was certified with the internationally recognized standard “ISO 9001: 2008”
IKY is one of the few Organizations of the public sector in Greece having been certified with the Quality Management System for its overall activity. This certification was accredited for the quality management system developed and was implemented by the State Scholarships Foundation. It is yet another great quality distinction following the recent EFQM Excellence Award by the Greek Management Association.
IKY’s overall activity for planning and implementing its Scholarship programmes led to this certification which refers to all its departments (Directorate of Administration and Financial Management, Directorate for Special Programmes and International Scholarships and Directorate of Scholarships). This was the result of the effort and cooperation made by IKY’s personnel.
State Scholarships Foundation/IKY was certified with the internationally recognized standard “ISO 9001: 2015”
On November 25, 2014, at the Cultural Centre “Hellenic Cosmos”, the Greek Management Association (HMA) awarded to the State Scholarships Foundation/IKY the European Certification EFQM Recognition of Excellence and the national HMA Certification “Aien Aristevein”. IKY is the first Organization of the public sector which is awarded with such a certification. Every year the most important institutions that reward excellence are presented all together by the Greek Management Association (HMA) emphasizing the need to develop and reward entrepreneurship in the years of multidimensional challenges. It is worth noting that in the event, in addition to numerous employees of IKY, were more than 500 executives and senior business executives, entrepreneurs and representatives of the political leadership.