“Integrated Management of Sea and Inland Waters” is a programme managed by IKY with EEA funding, for conducting post-doctoral research or a part of a doctoral thesis in Universities of Norway, Iceland or Lichtenstein.
Within the context of implementing the “Integrated Management of Sea and Inland Waters” Programme to be financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (FM EEA 2009–2014) and the Public Investments Programme, IKY announced the launch of a Scholarships Programme for the academic period 2014–2015, for the elaboration of a post-doctoral research or a part of a doctoral thesis, in cognitive fields falling within the field of sea and inland water resources management, in institutions and/or accredited organisations in Norway, Iceland or Lichtenstein.
Scholarships are granted for a period of 18 months maximum and are available to post-graduate or post-doctoral students in the following cognitive fields:
- Water Resources Technology – Management
- Environmental Technology
- Maritime Planning – Coastal Zone Management
- Environmental Management
- Maritime Ecology / Biology – Hydrobiology
- Water Resources Protection and Management Science
- Aquaculture
- Maritime Environment
- Maritime Technology
- Hydrocarbon Mining
- Renewable Energy Sources in Maritime Environment – Production of Energy from Waterfalls
A new call was announced. The deadline for application submission was 05/06/2015.
You can see at our YouTube channel what the Scholarship holders,Christos Pennos and Panagiotis- Eleftherios Makatounis, say about their participation in the Programme.
Read a relevant article in the major Greek newspaper Ethnos.
Contact point:
Ms. Anna Christodoulou, tel. 210 3726327, achris@iky.gr