• Teaching assignments
  • Courses and training
  • Job shadowing


  • Group mobility of school pupils
  • Short-term learning mobility of school pupils
  • Long-term learning mobility of school pupils


  • Invited experts
  • Hosting teachers and educators in training
  • Preparatory visits

Organisations implementing mobility activities should adhere to a common set of Erasmus quality standards, applicable for years 2021-2027. These standards have been set to ensure a sound mobility experience and beneficial learning outcomes for all participants, and to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Programme.

Υποκατηγορίες: Σχολική Εκπαίδευση


  • Teaching assignments (2 to 365 days): teachers or other educational staff working in school education can teach at a partner school in another country.
  • Courses and training (2 to 30 days): they foster the professional development of teachers, school leaders and other educational staff.
  • Job shadowing (2 to 60 days): teachers, school leaders and other educational staff working in schools can spend a period of time abroad, at a partner school or at another relevant organisation active in the field of school education.

Eligible participants:
Eligible participants include teachers, school leaders and other experts and non-teaching staff working in school education.

Eligible venues:
Activities must take place abroad, in an EU Member State or in a third country associated to the Programme.


  • Group mobility of school pupils (2 to 30 days, at least two pupils per group): A group of pupils from the sending school can spend time learning together with their peers in another country. Teachers or other authorized educational staff from the sending school must accompany the pupils for the entire duration of the activity.
  • Short-term learning mobility of school pupils (10 to 29 days): Pupils can spend a period abroad to study at a partner school or perform a traineeship at another relevant organisation abroad. An individual learning programme must be defined for each participant.
  • Long-term learning mobility of school pupils (30 to 365 days): Pupils can spend a period abroad to study at a partner school or perform a traineeship at another relevant organisation abroad. An individual learning programme must be defined for each participant. An obligatory pre-departure training must be provided to all participants.

Eligible venues:
Activities must take place abroad, in an EU Member State or in a third country associated to the Programme.


  • Invited experts (2 to 60 days): Schools can invite trainers, teachers, policy experts or other qualified professionals from abroad who can help improve the teaching and learning at the receiving school. For example, invited experts may provide training to the school staff, demonstrate new teaching methods or help transfer good practices in organisation and management.
  • Hosting teachers and educators in training (10 to 365 days): applicant organisations can host students/recent graduates who wish to spend a traineeship period abroad.

Eligible participants:

Invited experts can be any persons from another EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme, who can provide expertise and training relevant for the needs and objectives of the organisation that invites them.

Eligible venues:

The venue for invited experts and teachers in training is always the beneficiary organisation (including consortium members).

  • Preparatory visits: Organisations can set up a preparatory visit to their hosting partner before the mobility takes place. Each preparatory visit must have a clear reasoning and must serve to improve inclusiveness, scope and quality of mobility activities. For example, preparatory visits can be organised to better prepare the mobility of participants with fewer opportunities, to start working with a new partner organisation, or to prepare longer mobility activities. Preparatory visits cannot be organised in preparation for courses and staff training activities.

Eligible participants
A maximum of three persons per hosting organisation can take part in a preparatory visit. Preparatory visits can be carried out by any person eligible for staff mobility activities who is involved in the organisation of the project.
Eligible venues:
Preparatory visits take place at the premises of the prospective hosting organisation, or any other venue where mobility activities are planned to take place.
Moreover, organisations holding an Erasmus accreditation can organise preparatory visits in third countries not associated with the Programme.
See here the section “Eligible countries”.

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