What is Key Action 1 in school education?

Erasmus+ offers mobility opportunities for schools aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of education, while offering participants new learning opportunities, opportunities for professional development and skills enhancement opportunities. It also contributes to the internationalisation and development of schools and other organisations in school education.

Who can take part?

School institutions of all levels (pre-primary, primary and secondary level), teachers, school leaders and all school staff as well as Directorates for Education can participate in the EU mobility projects.

To see all eligible organisations, click here.


Strengthening the European dimension of teaching and learning by:

  • promoting values of inclusion and diversity, tolerance, and democratic participation
  • promoting knowledge about shared European heritage and diversity
  • supporting development of professional networks across Europe

Increasing the quality of teaching and learning in school education by:

  • supporting professional development of teachers, school leaders and other school staff
  • promoting the use of new technologies and innovative teaching methods
  • improving language learning and language diversity in schools
  • supporting the sharing and transfer of best practices in teaching and school development

Contributing to the creation of the European Education Area by:

  • building capacity of schools to engage in cross-border exchanges, and carry out high-quality mobility projects
  • making learning mobility a realistic possibility for any pupil in school education
  • fostering recognition of learning outcomes of pupils and staff in mobility periods abroad


  1. Short-term projects for mobility

Short-term projects for mobility of pupils and staff (ΚΑ122)

  • Beneficiaries: All schools and educational organisations
  • Project: Organisation of various mobility activities
  • Project duration: 6 to 18 months
  1. Short-term projects are the best choice for organisations applying for Erasmus+ for the first time, or for those that wish to organise only a limited number of activities.
  2. Accreditation

Accredited projects for mobility of pupils and staff (ΚΑ121)

  • Beneficiaries: Only organisations holding an Erasmus accreditation in the field of school education.
  • Erasmus accreditations are open to all organisations that seek to organise mobility activities on a regular basis. Previous experience in the Programme is not required to apply, however possessing the relevant operational capacity is required.
  • Accredited organisations have permanent access to Erasmus+ funding for mobility activities that contribute to the gradual implementation of their Erasmus Strategic Plan.

i. What is Erasmus accreditation?

Erasmus accreditation is a new tool to access mobility activities in the framework of the new Programme that aims at waiving  the obligation of the organisations to submit a new application for mobility activities per Call for Proposals, as required by Erasmus+ Programme. Moreover, it also enables bodies to remain in the new Programme over several years by organising mobility activities through simplified grant requests for accredited projects (KA121).

i. How can I be awarded an accreditation?

Organisations must set up a plan to implement high-quality mobility activities that they will utilize in order to enhance the education and training they offer. Applicants can apply as an individual organisation or as a coordinator of a mobility consortium. It is not possible to apply for both types of accreditations in the same field.

Information for individual organisations

Organisations applying for funding for their staff or learners.


Information for consortium coordinators

Accredited mobility consortium coordinators can lead a group of organisations that work together based on a joint plan and organise mobility activities abroad. The members of the consortium are not required to hold an Erasmus accreditation themselves; however, they must come from the country of the lead organisation.

To read the brochure on accreditation, click here.

  1. Accreditation beneficiaries


  1. Participate without submitting an application

Moreover, organisations who do not wish to submit an application, can join the Erasmus+ Programme by:

  • joining an existing Erasmus+ mobility consortium led by an accredited consortium coordinator in their country that is accepting new members in the consortium.
  • hosting participants from another country: any organisation can become a host for learners or staff coming from a partner organisation abroad. Becoming a hosting organisation is a valuable experience and a good way to create partnerships and learn more about the Programme before applying. Participants may also be incoming Erasmus+ students interested in carrying out a traineeship at schools as teaching assistants.
  • through the European School Platform (ESEP) and eTwinning: Platforms offer an online partner-finding tool. You can register your organisation on the ESEP platform in order to post partner-finding announcements and search through announcements made by other organisations.

The platform is also home to eTwinning, a community of teachers and school staff hosting a secure space accessible only to staff vetted by National Support Organisations (NSO). Participants can take part in many activities, such as:

  1. carrying out projects with other schools and classrooms,
  2. discussions with colleagues and development of professional networking,
  3. involvement in a variety of professional development opportunities (online and face-to-face).
Subcategories: School education
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