The thematic seminar “Participation in Democratic Life” organized by IKY on Friday, November 22, 2024, at the “Antonis Tritsis” amphitheater, was well attended by many participants.

The aim of the event was for participants to deepen their understanding on the concept of participation in democratic life, which is one of the key horizontal priorities of the Erasmus+ programme, and to understand how they can implement projects that promote participation in the community through formal or non-formal learning activities.

Mr. Leonidas Papastergiou, Director of Special Programmes and International Scholarships at IKY, in his welcoming speech referred to the success of the Erasmus+ programme in Greece.

The event included a keynote speech by the Emeritus Professor of NTUA, Mr. Kimon Hadjibiros on “The modern paradigm and the role of citizens”, as well as the presentation of Good practice examples of Erasmus+ projects.

In particular, Mr. Marios Koukounaras-Liagkis, Ass. Professor, Department of Theology, University of Athens, presented the Erasmus+ project entitled: “Student Teachers’ Practices for Democratic Culture: STEP UP-DC”, and the teacher and Ambassador of MOTIVATE Motivating Teachers 4 Europe, Ms. Katerina Christodoulou, highlighted the “role of teachers in the promotion of active citizenship”.

Additionally, the thematic seminar included a presentation entitled “different conceptions for defining the notion of democratic citizens” by the teacher and Director of the 3rd High School of Karditsa, Dr. Charalambos Barbarousis as well as an interactive workshop entitled “Detecting the characteristics of the democratic citizen”, conducted by Dr. Vasilios Kotoulas, Quality Supervisor in the Primary Education Directorate of Trikala.

The event was coordinated by Mr. Pausanias Karathanasis, project manager in KA1 School Education Projects, responsible officer for the priority “Participation in Democratic Life in the Greek NA.

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