Higher Education students are offered the opportunity to go abroad for a study or traineeship period at Bachelor, Master and Doctoral levels within Erasmus+ Programme countries.

The Erasmus+ study period abroad can last from a minimum of 3 months (2 months for traineeships) to a maximum of 12 months. The total time abroad (study and traineeship abroad periods included) may not exceed 12 months within one cycle of study.

To study abroad with Erasmus+, students must be registered in a higher education institution. Bachelor Students need to be at least in the second year of their studies. Students apply through the international or Erasmus+ office of their higher education institution.

Erasmus students may receive a monthly Erasmus+ grant during their mobility period. Incoming students to Greece (Mobility between Programme countries) are invited to seek additional information on the amount of the Erasmus+ grant they are entitled to receive at their sending Institution. Students with special needs may apply for additional funding to their sending Institution.

A Learning Agreement for Studies/traineeships between the student, the sending higher education institution and the receiving organization/HEI must be signed to ensure a transparent and efficient preparation of the exchange abroad, as well as to agree on how activities successfully completed abroad will be recognised.

Εrasmus+ International Credit Mobility

Institutions from Erasmus+ Programme Countries can submit a mobility project application that involves HEIs from Partner countries to the National Agency in their country.

Additionally, HEIs from Partner Countries interested in taking part in international credit mobility should contact a partner university in a Programme Country, which will be able to apply for funding.

Mobility opportunities for students, Higher Education Institutions staff and non-academic organizations’ staff around the world.

Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Action, offers students and Higher Education Institutions staff, as well as non-academic organizations’ staff, the opportunity to move to Partner Countries for studies, traineeship, teaching and training respectively.

Student mobility

The Erasmus+/International Mobility action enable students to get to know new countries, different cultures, educational systems and to enrich and acquire new knowledge in many scientific fields.

Useful information

  • Mobility duration:

      a) Studies: 3 to 12 months per study cycle

      b) Traineeship: 2 to 12 months per study cycle

      c) Studies combined with Traineeship: 3 to 12 months per study cycle

  • Monthly grant amount:
    • Outgoing students: 700 euro/month
    • Incoming students: 850 euro/month
  • Cover of travel costs based on the distance band calculator

In any case, participants should be equipped with the following types of insurance prior to departure:

Studies: 1. Health insurance

Traineeship: 1. Health insurance, 2. Personal accident insurance, General Liability Insurance for Third Party

Staff mobility

The Erasmus+/International Credit Mobility action enables Professors and Higher Education Institutions staff, as well as non-academic organisations staff, to move to Partner Countries for teaching, training or teaching combined with training; in this way, their Institutions become more international. The building of networks through International Mobility further contributes to the exchange of academic knowledge and best practices in Higher Education.

Useful information

  • Duration of mobility: 5 days to 2 months
  • Daily grant amount:
  • Outgoing staff: 180* (126) euro/day
  • Incoming staff: 160* (112) euro/day
  • Cover of travel costs based on the distance band calculator

In any case, participants should be necessarily equipped with Health insurance coverage, prior to departure.

*Up to the 14th day of activity, the participant shall receive the above amounts. Between the 15th and the 60th day of activity, the participant shall receive 70% of said amounts (amount in brackets).

Grant for participants with special needs

Grant for participants with special needs covers the additional costs resulting from their mobility abroad, based on budget calculation of these needs. These costs are 100% covered, based on actual costs. Participants with special needs are requested to apply for additional funding in Erasmus office of their Higher Education Institution.

How to apply

For students and staff

Students and HEIs’ staff wishing to participate in Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility should apply to the Erasmus+/International relations offices of their respective HEI. For further information please contact the Erasmus+ office of your Institution.

For Programme countries HEIs

Programme countries’ HEIs apply to their respective Erasmus+ National Agency. For Greece the competent National Agency for the fields of Education and Training is IKY.

For Partner countries HEIs

HEIs from Partner Countries interested in taking part in credit mobility should contact a partner university in a Programme Country, which will be able to apply for funding. For additional information on ICM, you may also contact your National erasmus+ office, if available in your country.


You may find additional information on ICM in the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility Handbook for Participating Organisations

Υοu may find here statistical data regarding the participation of Greek HEIs in ICM mobility (2016)

Last update (12.03.2020)

You can find a list of the International and European Programme Offices of the Hellenic Higher Education Institutions here

Erasmus International Dimension

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