Programme for the promotion of exchanges and scientific cooperation between Greece and Germany – IKYDA 2025
In the framework of a bilateral agreement with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst – DAAD), the State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) is implementing a scholarships programme aimed at further strengthening scientific cooperation between Greece and Germany. The IKYDA (IKY-DAAD) programme is offered in implementation of the Regulatory Provisions, as these have been approved by the Joint Ministerial Decision no. 56299/Ζ1/22-05-2023 of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Education and Religious Affairs (Government Gazette Issue 3450/Β΄/23-5-2023) and its amendment no. 47283/Ζ1/08-5-2024 (Government Gazette Issue 2805/Β΄/17-5-2024).
The programme targets teams of scientists or researchers in all scientific fields from Higher Education Institutions and research institutes of Greece and Germany who undertake to jointly develop and implement a research project through mutual exchange visits.
The 2025 IKYDA programme will fund research projects of a 12 or a 24-month duration. Projects may start from 1/10/2025 and end by 30/09/2027.
Applications for participation in the programme must be submitted by the scientific supervisor of the team of scientists or researchers of the country concerned. The Greek and the German application should be concurrently submitted to the respective National Agency (IKY for Greece, DADD for Germany).
Scientific supervisors of research projects in Greece must submit their applications online here: https://ams.iky.gr.
Applications open on 1/10/2024 and close on 15/11/2024 at 14:00, time of Greece.
Please note that applications for funding submitted to IKY shall be assessed only if an application has been respectively submitted by a German partner to DAAD.
In Germany, the title of the programme is: “Programm des Projektbezogenen Personenaustauschs Griechenland” (PPP).
The German Call for Applications has been published by DAAD (Deutscher Academischer Austauschdienst). To read the Call, please follow the link:
Interested scientific supervisors in Germany should follow the foreseen procedure for the submission of applications-proposals set by DAAD.
DAAD employee responsible for the IKYDA programme: Ms. Ramona Sterz.
Contact details:
Ramona Sterz
E-Mail: sterz@daad.de
Phone: +49 (0) 228 882-449
Further information can be found in the attached Call for Applications.
The President of the Administrative Board of IKY
Vassiliki Kindi