- Terms of Use
The websites www.iky.gr and www.llp.gr belong to the State Scholarships Foundation (hereinafter IKY). The subject websites through technologically advanced website infrastructure and open and closed source software applications can offer everyone (hereinafter visitor/user) free information, participation and consultation services and technological applications related to IKY based on the following terms of use. The use/ visit, browsing, archiving/ cataloguing and session duration in the present websites presuppose and constitute proven and unconditional acceptance of the terms of use described below.
The use/visit to the above websites, webpages and services of ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr” by the visitor/user presupposes a priori careful reading and unconditional agreement with and acceptance of the terms of use as described below, applying for the entire content, pages, graphics, images, photographs and files included in these webpages. In case the visitor/user of the webpages does not agree with the content of such websites, then such visitor/user should not make use of the content or services thereof. The visitor/user is requested to check the content of these pages for eventual changes. Continuing to use the websites ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr” even after any eventual changes made shall mean unconditional acceptance of such terms on behalf of the visitor/user.
The terms and conditions of use of these websites shall be are agreed upon in their totality between IKY and the visitor/user of its webpages and services and shall bind only the two parties. No modification of such terms of use shall be taken into consideration, nor shall it constitute part of this agreement unless expressed in writing and incorporated in the terms of use herein. The following terms of use shall take immediate effect in their totality, unless otherwise specified. The visitor/user of the websites ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr” shall be bound to use them, pursuant to the law and the terms of use herein.
The use of such websites shall be carried out exclusively and solely for legitimate purposes in such a way so as not to restrict or hinder their use by third parties and the user/visitor shall not proceed to actions or omissions that may possibly cause harm or malfunction or/and negatively affect or jeopardise the provision of services to citizens.
- Intellectual Property
The entire content, including (without however being limited to) texts, news, graphics, photographs, charts, illustrations, video, sketches, offered services, the terms and conditions of use of these websites and any modification thereof shall be governed and completed by the Greek law, the European Union law and the relevant international treaties; it shall constitute the intellectual property of IKY and shall be governed by the national and international provisions on Intellectual Property. Logos, trade names, trademarks and features included in the website shall belong to ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr” or/and to the persons referred to as the owners of such rights in the website and shall be protected by the Industrial and Intellectual Property legislation in force. Should any provision of the above terms be ascertained as opposing to the above institutional framework or being invalid, it shall cease to apply ex officio and shall be removed from the present document, without anyhow affecting the validity of the remaining terms. The license to use any other material protected by L. 2121/93 or other relevant law, which has been identified as Intellectual or Industrial Property of third parties shall not be covered. With regard to the use and exploitation of material belonging to third parties, the end user shall address the beneficiaries of such Intellectual and Industrial Property rights for the acquisition of the necessary use and exploitation licenses.
Third party intellectual property projects included in ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr” have been posted in good faith and for information purposes. It is self-evident that they will be removed, if requested by beneficiaries.
- License of Use
It is explicitly forbidden to use, reproduce, republish, copy, store, sell, transmit, distribute, publish, execute, download, translate, modify anyhow, in parts or in summary the content of the websites ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr” and the services rendered therein without prior license.
By exception, it shall be allowed to separately store and copy, reproduce, republish, transmit or distribute parts of the content to a simple personal computer for strictly personal use, with no intention of commercial or other exploitation and always on condition of stating their source of origin, without this constituting anyhow concession of Intellectual Property rights. Therefore, it shall be forbidden for this content to become partly or fully the object of sale, modification or “uploading” anyhow.
The remaining products or services mentioned in the hub’s electronic pages which bear the trademarks of the respective organisations, companies, associated bodies, associations or editions shall constitute the organisations’ Intellectual and Industrial Property and therefore these bodies shall be accordingly liable.
- Disclaimer and Limitations of Internet Liability
The websites ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr” or/and the persons referred to as owners of the respective rights in the websites and which/who are protected pursuant to the legislation in force on Industrial and Intellectual Property make every effort possible and take all necessary measures, so that the content and the information appearing and being uploaded on the websites be accurate, clear, correct, complete, updated and available. However, IKY shall not be liable for any spelling or other mistakes in the republication of said information.
Under no circumstance shall IKY guarantee and, subsequently, be held liable (not even by negligence) for any claims of legal, civil or penal nature, nor for remedying any damage (direct, specific or indirect damage possibly consisting in loss of profit, data, foregone profits, compensation, etc.) of the user/visitor of these websites or third party, due to a cause related to the website’s operation or not, use, any inability to provide services/information made available or due to non-permitted interventions by third parties to products/services/information made available through the website in question. Moreover, IKY shall provide content (e.g. information, names, photographs, illustrations, data, etc.) and the services made available through its websites ”AS SUCH”, without any guarantee, explicit or indirect, stated, alleged, expressed and/or even inferred, apart from guarantees of satisfactory quality, suitability, inviolability of compatibility, safety and accuracy, all of which we expressly deny. IKY is making every effort possible for its network smooth operation; by no means shall it guarantee whatsoever that the aforementioned websites or servers shall operate without any interruption or with no error and that any failures shall be remedied, free from viruses, malware software and similar elements, whether it regards its websites, or any other site or server through which its content is transmitted.
- Protection from Malware Software ”Viruses”
IKY is making every possible effort to control the material being uploaded to the above websites and to offer protection from malware software (viruses) of its hosting servers.
Given the nature of the Internet, IKY shall not be held liable, under any circumstance, for any form of damage, loss, tampering, or destruction of data or software or hardware possibly affecting the visitor/user during or following the use of webpages, services, options and contents of the websites in question. Moreover, it shall not guarantee that anyone related to these websites or the servers through which every service is made available to the user/visitor shall not contain ”viruses” or other malware software.
In any case, users are advised to use a virus and malware protection software every time they are connected to the Internet.
- Exclusion of Urgings – Advice
No part of websites’ content provided to users/visitors shall constitute, nor shall it be anyhow considered, directly or indirectly, a suggestion, instruction, advice or urge for any action or omission; on the contrary, it is up to the discretion of users/visitors, following a personal evaluation, to act on their own will, excluding any responsibility on our behalf.
- Links to Websites
The websites herein may have links to third party websites with the exclusive purpose of informing and facilitating the user/visitor. Directing to links that belong to third party websites is not tantamount to adopting their views and actions nor an indication of approval or acceptance of the content they express, publish or upload while the websites to which they are linked shall be subject to the respective terms of use. As it is obvious, the availability, content, personal data protection policy, quality and completeness are not controlled; nor is it possible to control the content renewal of the services of other websites and pages whereto access is given through hyperlinks or advertising banners.
IKY shall not assume any responsibility for their content and any damage arising from their use, as the visitor is personally responsible for accessing these websites. Third parties-bodies of websites being liable by the law-shall be exclusively liable for their webpage content or for any damage arising from their use, when the user/visitor of ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr” gains access thereto. The user/visitor shall accept that by visiting third party websites, leaves the websites of ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr”, and is subject to the terms of use applying in third party websites.
- Hyperlinks to the Website
IKY encourages users to create hyperlinks to the websites ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr” and users shall not be under the obligation to request IKY’s permission to create such links. However, it shall not be allowed to upload IKY pages in the frames of other websites. Every webpage of IKY whereto a hyperlink of another website is included should be uploaded in its own window.
- Rights to Content Use
The content submitted and publishd by users/visitors remains in their ownership, conceding to websites the right of unlimited, free license for use, distribution, reproduction, modification, adjustment, public display and exploitation of content, at any time and anyhow, electronic or printed, not infringing their moral right.
Any further use of the documents being uploaded on the websites of ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr” shall be made without prejudice to the provisions on personal data protection processing (L. 2472/1997, Government Gazette Issue no. 50 Α’), as in effect.
- Users’ Data
Through the websites mentioned herein, IKY may collect personal data and information pertaining to users/visitors, either being sent by users/visitors on a case by case basis or being collected during their navigation. Personal data and information shall be considered the ones that can be used only for determining the identity or for communication with users/visitors, particularly the data drawn from Data Submission Forms and are subject to the legal framework governing personal data privacy and in particular, L. 2472/1997 (with the amendments of L. 3625/2007) and L. 3471/2006 on personal data protection. Such data are used solely for the purpose they were sent. The user/visitor consents expressly and unconditionally to submit his/her personal data to the websites ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr”, whenever required or requested.
IKY may use personal data for information purposes or to send e-mails or announcements/newsletters to the registered user/visitor, unless the latter declines it and expressly informs IKY. IKY shall not sell personal data to third parties or users/visitors of the aforementioned websites. IKY shall not transfer nor publish the personal data of users/visitors of the website to third parties, unless the law stipulates otherwise or if it constitutes a contractual liability necessary for the smooth operation of webpages and the functions thereof.
IKY may process a part or all of the data sent by users/visitors for statistical reasons and in order to improve the provided services-information. The user/visitor may contact the administrator of the websites ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr”, in order to verify existence of his/her personal file, its correction, change or deletion.
Through the websites ”www.iky.gr” and ”www.llp.gr” non-personal identification data of these website users may be collected using the respective technologies, such as cookies or/and Protocol addresses monitoring and other similar technologies as these result from the communication between the web browser and the server. Cookies are small text files stored on the hard disk of every user/visitor and do not read any document or file in the computer, nor do they lead to the identification of the computer with any person. They are used to facilitate the user’s/visitor’s access to specific services or/and pages of the website for statistical reasons and in order to determine which areas are most useful or popular.
Non personal data may also include the type of the web browser used by the user/visitor, the type of computer, its software, the internet service provider (ISP) and other similar information.
The user/visitor of this website may regulate its web browser in such a way so as either to be notified of the use of cookies in specific services or not to allow acceptance of cookies under any circumstance. In case the user/visitor of the specific services and pages does not wish to use cookies for recognition purposes, it is possible to have limited access to some of the services, uses or operations provided by the websites in question. The collection of all data falling under the category of personal data received by IKY through this website, either being sent on a case-by-case basis by users or collected during the web site navigation and use by users, is carried out pursuant to L. 2472/1997 and L. 3471/2006 on personal data protection, as in effect.
IKY shall not assume any responsibility for personal data protection policy of third body websites whereto the user has access through hyperlinks from the present Website.
- Modification of Content and Services
The terms and conditions of use of these websites are agreed upon between IKY and the user/visitor of its webpages and services are binding for both parties. IKY reserves unilaterally the right to modify, add, change the website’s content or services and the terms of use thereof, whenever deemed necessary, without prior notification, through this webite, always in compliance with the legislative and regulatory framework in force. The courts of Athens have sole jurisdiction for the resolution of any dispute.
For any issue regarding the webpages, you may contact ikywebsupport@iky.gr.