“The results of the EPALE project 2022-2024 were presented at the final conference in Thessaloniki!”

Nea Ionia, 19/12/2024



The final conference of EPALE for the 2022-2024 project was held in Thessaloniki on Monday, December 16, 2024, featuring numerous speeches and presentations that captured the attention of the attendees.

Opening remarks at the event were made by Mr. Panagiotis Seferlis, member of the Administrative Board of IKY and professor at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as well as by the General Director of IKY, Mr. Angelos Giouvrekas.

The aim of the conference was to present the actions and results of the project for the period 2022-2024, which included informative seminars focused on post-lignite regions in Greece and educational workshops. In this context, the EPALE impact research was also presented, providing data on the platform’s use during this period.

Important presentations and speeches were made by Mr. George Koulaouzidis, Professor at the Hellenic Open University, on the topic “The Joy and Power of Learning: the EAEA Declaration on Adult Education in the 21st Century,” by Mr. Konstantinos Papaefstathiou, EOPPEP (National Organisation for the certification of qualifications and vocational guidance)on “National and European Actions of EOPPEP to increase citizens’ access to quality lifelong Career Counseling / Vocational Guidance services,” and by Ms. Ioanna Theodosiou, Policy Advisor at the Green Tank organization, on “The Fair Transition in Greece: Challenges and Opportunities.”

The conference was also attended by the EPALE ambassadors for the current EPALE project: Mr. Nikolaos Mallios – Director of Education and Training  at the General Prison of Domokos, Mr. Anastasios Kakouros – Director of SAEK (Vocational Training center) Haidari, and Ms. Victoria Apostolou – Director of SAEK Glyfada, who, together with platform users Ms. Anastasia Mana and Ms. Eleni Plevra, engaged in discussions and highlighted the benefits of using the platform in the fields of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, attracting new users.

Finally, IKY as the National Support Service for the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE), announced and briefly presented the planning for the implementation of the new EPALE project for 2025-2026, which focuses on the agricultural sector and sustainable farming. Additionally, as the National Agency for the Erasmus+ programme, IKY provided updates on the current open call for proposals for 2025.








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