- Job shadowing
- Teaching or training assignments
- Courses and training
KA1 Mobility Activities – Vocational Education and Training

KEY ACTION 1 MOBILITY ACTIVITIES – Vocational Education and Training
- Participation in VET skills competitions
- Group mobility of VET learners
- Short-term learning mobility of VET learners
- Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro)
- Invited experts
- Hosting teachers and educators in training
- Preparatory visits
Organisations implementing mobility activities must adhere to a common set of Erasmus quality standards. These standards apply for the period 2021-2027. Applicants should be aware that all course providers are entirely independent from the Erasmus+ Programme and are acting as service providers in a free market. The choice of courses and training is therefore a responsibility of the applicant organisation.
• Job shadowing (2 to 60 days): participants can have a practical learning experience (learning new practices and gathering new ideas) through observation of their peers in their daily work at the hosting organisation.
• Teaching or training assignments (2 to 365 days): teachers can spend a period of time teaching or providing training in another country, as a way to learn through practice and obtain a broader picture on education in Europe.
• Courses and training (2 to 30 days, maximum 10 days of course fees per participant): participants can follow courses or receive training abroad as a way to enhance their skills and knowledge. Participants from at least two different countries must participate in the training, which must enable participants to interact with other trainees and the educators.
• Participation in VET skills competitions (1 to 10 days): VET learners and their accompanying staff can participate in events and skills competitions abroad, thus, ensuring recognition and exchange of experience, know-how and technological innovations in VET.
• Group mobility of VET learners (2 to 30 days, at least two VET learners per group): A group of learners from the sending organisation can spend time learning together with their peers at a partner VET provider abroad, accompanied by educational staff to guide their learning process.
• Short-term learning mobility of VET learners (10 to 89 days): VET learners can spend a period learning abroad at a partner VET provider, in a company, or in another organisation active in the field of VET or the labour market.
• Long-term learning mobility of VET learners (ErasmusPro) (90 to 365 days): VET learners can spend a longer period learning abroad at a partner VET provider, in a company, or in another organisation active in the field of VET or the labour market.
• Invited experts (2 to 60 days): Invited experts from abroad can help improve the teaching, training and learning. More precisely, invited experts may provide training to the receiving organisation’s staff, demonstrate new teaching methods or help transfer good practices in organisation and management.
• Hosting teachers and educators in training (10 to 365 days): Applicant organisations can host teachers in training who want to spend a traineeship period abroad.
Eligible participants
Invited experts can be any person from another EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme, who can provide expertise and training relevant for the needs and objectives of the organisation that invites them.
Hosting teachers and educators in training is available for participants who are enrolled in or recently graduated from a teacher education programme (or a similar kind of education programme for trainers or educators) in another EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.
Preparatory visits:
A preparatory visit is a visit organised by organisations with the purpose of better preparing a learner or staff mobility activity. For example, preparatory visits can be organised to better prepare mobility of participants with fewer opportunities, to start working with a new partner organisation, or to prepare longer mobility activities.